The reason why you don't have a job presently is simply because you are not meeting anybody's need.
Human needs are endless..
Here are the basic ones that Abraham Maslow identified.
Self Actualization
Ego Needs
Social Needs
Safety and Security Needs
Physiological Needs.
Start any business that caters for any of these needs and you are in business.
If your business is satisfying any of this needs , then you are on a sure path to wealth... Of course that is if you are using the right business model.
Look around you... Every big business that you see is definitely meeting one of this needs.
Let me list some..
Facebook is meeting people's Social needs, Ego need (you post pictures and wait for people to praise or like it),
Twitter is meeting all the needs met by Facebook plus self Actualization needs...
Phone manufacturers is meeting people’s communication need..
That your favourite food seller is meeting your Physiological need.
Same as everybody you pay for services rendered to you.
So if you are presently looking for a job, I would advise you to change what you are looking for.
Start searching for a need... Then meet the need... And you are in business.